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Student Testimonials

“A review from a student who benefited from your workshops. Reviews can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
Student Name
“A review from a student who benefited from your workshops. Reviews can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
Student Name
“A review from a student who benefited from your workshops. Reviews can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
Student Name

Example Projects From Our Students


Tillgänglighet för alla

Arlanda Flygsamlingar välkomnar alla besökare.

  • Huvudentré ligger i markplanet med låg tröskel.

  • Färdtjänst och taxi skall stanna på vändplan 20 m från huvudentrén.

  • Toaletter (1 st) för besökare med nedsatt rörelseförmåga.

  • Lån av rullstol

  • Lån av rullator

  • Inga trösklar i utställningshallen, allting i ett plan.



Accessibility for everyone

Arlanda Flygsamlingar welcomes all visitors

  • The main entrance is in the ground plane with a low threshold.
  • Taxi will stop at 20m from the main entrance.
  • Toilets (1) for visitors with reduced mobility.
  • Loans of wheelchairs
  • Loans of walker
  • No thresholds in the exhibition hall.